
Love is the absence of all expectations…inspire or expire…!

#CREATIVE with #Vision

Art speaks a language that everyone can understand and has the power to motivate and educate people across countries, cultural, economic and social background Motivated by art, Greece, as the birthplace of culture, is addressed to the whole world.

@Iamnotadoll_project is an initiative of Ms. Ioanna Paraskeva – sculptor, which uses a special way to motivate all of us and especially young people to adopt the idea of ​​substantial gender equality, the precondition for which is primarily the elimination of all forms of discrimination, harmful practices, violence and exploitation of women and girls.
Especially nowadays that we are facing the fact that the number of cases related to gender-based violence is increasing dramatically.

@Iamnotadoll_project is an interactive alternative exhibition / event that is flexible and can easily find ways to adapt to the difficulties of the time.
The 6 sculptures of the series #Iamnotadoll_project “I’m not a doll” created, each as a unique original work, for this purpose speak of:
Sexual harassment / rape (yellow shoes)
Violence in relationships, family, work, (physical, sexual, psychological, verbal, financial) (blue)
Forced and early marriage (orange)
Female genital mutilation (clitoridectomy) (pink)
Trafficking in women / girls (red)
Internet abuse (green)
@Iamnotadoll_project is an interactive and changing exhibition/event that adapts to the difficulties of each era.
I strongly believe that cultivation and education through art, is the first step towards a change for a better present and future for all of us. “
Angela Gerekou

Proud to announce that Iamnotadoll_project is accepted as member of Anna Lindh Foundation, with President Her Royal Highness Princess of Jordan Rym Ali.
Foundation focuses its intercultural action around three pillars: Empowering young voices; Influencing policymakers; Building a movement for dialogue and exchange in the face of growing mistrust and polarization among societies.






Greece is not a country is an idea and volunteering in is the perfect opportunity to discover a beautiful part of Europe, enjoy the white beaches and support a good cause at the same time.
The ancient ruins, endless coastlines, great cuisine and friendly locals will make your stay absolutely worthwhile.
Greece’s shores are home to countless marine life like various dolphin species, sea turtles and whales.
Do you want to protect these fascinating animals?
Volunteer for a marine conservation project and engage in scientific research, beach clean-ups, educational outreach and rescues for stranded or injured animals.

  • Greece has over 2000 islands. Only 170 are populated.
  • There are no retirement homes in Greece because grandparents live with their children.
  • 98% of the population is still Ethnic Greek.
  • 40% of the Greek population lives in Athens.
  • It is one of the leading producers of olives. Some trees were planted in the 13th century and are still producing olives!


Help maintain these natural gems so the planet can be enjoyed for years to come!

Our planet is slowly drowning in plastic and our wildlife is dying as they try to ingest it. It’s time to raise awareness about the detrimental effects of plastic, especially on the ocean and marine life.
Teach local communities about the detrimental effects so everyone can play their part in helping the environment.
Reduce plastic pollution and cooperate with other like-minded individuals and start the war on plastic.
Help maintain these natural gems so the planet can be enjoyed for years to come!






How you Reinvent Your Self?

Power Trip Marie Claire

National Day of women in Science forum
By Icesco

Angela Gerekou for #EarthSummit2023

Interactive Art Project in Raising awareness on gender based violence, harmful practices & exploitation. #ArtFor_humanity​ #Iamnotadoll_project​ #Vol1​.


Conceptual Fine Art Creation Ioanna Paraskeva

#SDG5​ Ambassador Angela Gerekou , Maria Voskopoulou

Photography by Vagelis Rasias
Video Sotiris Zisidis
Make up artist styling Dimitris Dimitroulis
Coordination/Production Akathisti Vekri