November 27, 2020
GNTO chief Gerekou: Our aim is sustainable tourism growth

Greek National Tourism Organisaton (GNTO) President Angela Gerekou, in an address late on Thursday to the 100th general assembly of the European Travel Commission held via teleconference, said that in order to go forward it was necessary to first take a step back and assess what has happened in the last decade. Afterwards, she added, there must be an analysis of the current conditions and the planning and implementation of policies for “the kind of tourism we want to have the coming years.”

Gerekou then raised issues relating to the tourism industry’s adaptation ahead of 2021 and presented the GNTO’s priorities for the future of Greek tourism.
She noted that tourism’s future depending on people’s desire to travel and that the role of national tourism organisations was to monitor developments in this area and move forward. “As GNTO, we are moving exactly in this direction, aiming at sustainable tourism growth in 2021 and a new tourism model up to 2030,” she said.

Προτεινόμενα :


Angela Gerekou Mrs. Gerekou is the President of the Greek National Tourism Organization since August 2019. Mrs. Gerekou holds a degree from the School of Architecture of the University of Rome. She also has a significant career in acting. She studied in Derek Jakoby’s...

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